We are a climate hope organisation

Our stories shape how we think and act, they define us.

Climate change is present tense - it has happened and continues. The Tyne at Corbridge dropped to ankle-bone height this summer, and Hedgehogs are going extinct.

We can limit how much damage is done to our planet, to our home – but only if all of us pitch in. We know a lot about the problems – poison in the air, the water, our food – and we can all do something about it.

Scaring people and telling them what they’re doing wrong doesn’t work. When we get scared and overwhelmed, we shut down.

Aren’t you exhausted hearing about the different ways the world will burn? Has it helped you?

Lets be hopeful. Lets play and experiment with climate imaginings, and find what action can be for each of us.

We can create interesting and hopeful futures that people will pursue.

We need to help more people and communities to imagine their climate future. To play and experiment with climate change ideas.

That’s what we do.

We run projects, resources, and meet-ups to help more people find hope and excitement in climate imaginings.

Action through hope

Hope through creativity

Our programme includes…

making a bookshop from bookshop waste,

a hopeful exploration of sustainable food,

an immersive exploration of British carbon heritage,

and a network of teachers creatively exploring climate education

Our beliefs

Good Ancestors

Global warming and climate change will play out for thousands of years. What we do (or don’t do) right now will echo and echo, louder and louder for each generation that comes after us. This means we are powerful, and we are privileged. Let’s honour that, let’s be good ancestors.

Hopeful Action

Fear isn’t a good motivator. People have lots of different drivers, different things they find rewarding. We can make climate action inspiring and accessible. That is the best way to mushroom climate action.

Creativity is Key

Creative work (books, theatre, music, art…) help us make sense of the world. We feel good art on a deeper level than thought. We can sit alongside people we disagree with, both enjoy and come away changed by it. Creative work will help us explore our climate futures.

Long-term Commitment

When we offer to work with a community, we commit to a long-term relationship lasting many years. Proper impact takes time and care and collaboration.

Threads in the Ground has been created with support from New Writing North